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Example #1

Maria Shriver
Office of the First Lady State
State Capital Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
                                                                        July 1, 2004

Dear First Lady,

(b-1) I am writing this letter is on behalf of the Consortium for Evidence-base practice of Obstetrics and support its goals to establish physiological management as the standard of care in California for all healthy women with normal pregnancies. (a) I am a mother, grandmother, former L&D nurse and childbirth professional. As a women and as a professional in the field, I have had considerable experience with our current, dysfunctional obstetrical care system. We need public dialog to bring about appropriate changes in our national maternity care policy and reform potentially harmful obstetrical practices.

(c-1) I am deeply concerned about the ever-increasing medicalization of normal, healthy women by the obstetrical profession. Modern obstetrics does not improve outcomes for healthy women and their babies, which is 70% of the childbearing population. Obstetrical intervention for healthy women is not scientifically based. Unscientific care raises the cost of normal childbirth to a staggering proportion of our healthcare budget. As a result, our current maternity care system fails to meet the needs of healthy childbearing women, practitioners, taxpayers or society.

This a crisis for our daughters, granddaughter and all young women. They may never even have the chance to have a normal vaginal birth or if they do, they risk being permanently harmed as a result of the the obstetrical profession's faulty understanding of normal birth and by the routine use of damaging medical and surgical interventions, episiotomy and instruments such as forceps or vacuum extraction.

(d-1) Even though we pour more money into obstetrical services than any other in the world, the United States is a shameful 25th in the world for infant mortality and 30th for maternal mortality. Mortality for mothers, and in 2002 for newborns, has actually rising in our wealthy country in recent years.

(e-1) We need to bring the attention of the public and the legislature to the dysfunctional and wasteful nature of the current obstetrical system for healthy women and establish a forum for public dialogue with obstetricians regarding the potentially harmful & unscientific practices of contemporary obstetrical care, especially as applied to healthy women, and the great need for reforming the maternity care policies.

Reforming our national health care policy would integrate physiological principles with the best advances in obstetrical medicine to create a single, evidence-based standard for all healthy women. This would required medical schools to teach the philosophy, principles and skills of physiological management to medical students, practicing physicians to learn and use the strategies of physiological management and insurance companies to reimburse obstetricians for this safe and cost-effective care.

(f-2) I ask that you make evidence-based, safe and affordable wellness care for women from pre-conception through birth (and beyond!) a priority and focus of your great influence. I ask you to support the development and integration of trained and experienced midwives (as done in many westernized countries) into our health care system to increase physiological, safe birth and the accompanying satisfaction and decrease health care costs.  Doing so has proven to lower the incidence of maternal and infant mortality in many other countries around the world.


    Jane Doe


Example #2

Maria Shriver
Office of the First Lady State
State Capital Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
                                                                        July 2, 2004

To First Lady Maria Shriver,

(b-2) We are writing on behalf of the Consortium for Evidence-base practice of Obstetrics (CEO), which is committed to reforming our maternity care policy and dedicated to bringing science-based maternity care to all childbearing women. (a) My husband and I have two children, both born by Cesarean section after a frustrating and very disappointing experience with "business as usual" obstetrical care. We'd hoped to have a VBAC -- that is a normal vaginal birth after Cesarean -- but none of the obstetricians or hospitals in our small community would "permit" me to labor normally. I was forced by circumstances beyond my control to have a so-called 'elective' or repeat CS but it wasn't what I "elected" to do.

(c-2) I believe that women’s rights regarding their health care are being constantly eroded by the non-scientific practice of obstetrics. Conventional obstetrics practices, especially as they apply to normal labor and birth, are not based on scientific principles. The medicalization of vaginal birth is known to cause stress incontinence and other long-term problems and yet the obstetrical profession doesn't seem to notice the connection between their drastic interventions in normal birth and the high rate of damage to maternal tissue. The ever-increasing Cesarean and maternal mortality rate is even a greater problem.

The obstetrical profession has veered very far from common sense and science-based maternity care. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists’ is publicly claiming that Cesarean section is safer and better for mothers and babies than normal spontaneous birth. According to ACOG, it is now considered "ethical" for obstetricians to perform purely elective – that is, medically unnecessary or the so-called “maternal choice” -- cesarean surgery. Many obstetricians predict that cesarean will completely replace normal birth within the next 10 or 15 y facilitate a normal spontaneous birthears as the official standard of care. For this and other reasons,  it is our observation that contemporary obstetrics is failing in its most important job --  preserving and protecting already healthy childbearing women from the excesses of the medical system.

(d-3) Obstetricians need to hear from women and explain why, after 14 years of medical school, they can’t facilitate a normal spontaneous vaginal birth without first subjecting the mother to painful medical and surgical interventions. What's missing is the use of physiologic principles. Physiological management is the evidenced-based model of maternity care. It is associated with the lowest rate of maternal and perinatal mortality, is protective of the mother's pelvic floor, has the best psychological outcomes and the highest rate of breastfed babies. Use of physiological principles results in the fewest number of medical interventions, lowest rates of anesthetic use, obstetrical complications, episiotomy, instrumental deliveries, Cesarean surgery, post-operative complications, delayed and downstream complications in future pregnancies.

(e-2) Were physiological management of birth to becomes the standard of practice in California, like it is many other western nations,  C.E.O. members believe that it would :

(f-1) We need your help to elevate the public's awareness of these problems. We need legislative hearings that will publicly look into the ever-climbing induction, cesarean section and maternal mortality rates, the off-label use of Cytotec for labor induction, the danger of promoting the ‘maternal choice’ cesarean as the so-called ‘ideal’ form of childbirth, lack of access to VBAC services and the physically damaging effects on the pelvic floor and pelvic organs associated with the current, medically-interventive & anti-gravitational management of vaginal birth.

We also need new legislation that would physicians to obtain true informed consent before substituting medical and surgical interventions in place of the safer, evidence-based principles of physiological management and that full information be provided about the risks of medical or surgical interventions and the mother’s consent obtained before being used during labor.

Thanking you in advance for your attention to this matter. 

Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith

Example #3

Maria Shriver
Office of the First Lady State
State Capital Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
                                                                        July 2, 2004

To First Lady Maria Shriver,

RE: The Consortium for Evidence-base practice of Obstetrics (CEO), reform of our maternity care policy and bringing science-based maternity care to all childbearing women

Physiological:  to be " accord with, or characteristic of, the normal functioning of a living organism”
 (Stedman’s Medical Dictionary definition of “physiological” – 1995)

Physiological management is the evidenced-based model of maternity care. It is associated with the lowest rate of maternal and perinatal mortality, is protective of the mother's pelvic floor, has the best psychological outcomes and the highest rate of breastfed babies. Dependence on physiological principles results in the fewest number of medical interventions, lowest rates of anesthetic use, obstetrical complications, episiotomy, instrumental deliveries, Cesarean surgery, post-operative complications and delayed or downstream complications in future pregnancies. Physiological management is both safe and cost-effective.

Conventional obstetrics as applied to healthy women (i.e. "flat earth" obstetrics) is the opposite of evidence-based, physiological management. Its associated with a high level of medical interventions, obstetrical complications, anesthetic use, instrumental deliveries, Cesarean surgery and post-operative complications including emergency hysterectomy, delayed complications such as stress incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse, downstream complications in future pregnancies, long-term psychological problems such as postpartum depression, lower rates of breastfeeding and increased asthma in babies born by cesarean section. Conventional obstetrics for healthy women is neither safe or cost-effective.  [see  "What Every Pregnant Woman Needs to Know about Cesarean Section", a systemic review of the scientific literature by the Maternity Care Association of NYC available at]

A long over-due and much needed reform of our national health care policy would integrate physiological principles with the best advances in obstetrical medicine to create a single, evidence-based standard for all healthy women. Physiological management should be the foremost standard for all healthy women with normal pregnancies, used by all practitioners (physicians and midwives) and for all birth settings (home, hospital, birth center). This “social model” of normal childbirth includes the appropriate use of obstetrical intervention for complications or at the mother’s request.


   Example #4  Example #5